Filters reduce Collections to a subset of matching Models. Filters are expressed using Filter objects and in the absence of repository support work by iterating over the items in a list and building a list of records to remove from the collection. If it supports it, the repository can use the filter directly to customise its query to avoid expensive iteration.
Most filters operate on a single model record and apply a simple
expression, like equals, more than, less than, contains etc. Some
filters however are more complex. The Group
filter for example
contains a collection of other filters ANDed or ORed together. The
filter inverts the selection of any other filter given to it.
Basic Filtering
The basic set of filters perform the essentials of everyday filtering. Most take the column name to filter on and a set of arguments to configure the filter.
Filter occurs in two main places: when you call that static find()
function on a model class or if you call
on an existing collection instance.
Successive calls to filter on a collection combine the filters (like an AND expression in SQL).
// First method:
$contacts = Contact::find($filter);
// Second method:
$contacts = Contact::all();
Selects models where the value in $columnName matches the value $equals exactly
new Equals($columnName, $equals)
Select all models with a first name of Tom:
$contacts->filter(new Equals( "FirstName", "Tom" ));
Selects models where the value in $columnName starts with the value $startsWith. By default the search is case insensitive. For a case sensitive search you should pass true to $caseInsensitive.
new StartsWith($columnName, $startsWith, $caseInsensitive = false)
Select all models with a first name starting with Tom:
$contacts->filter(new StartsWith( "FirstName", "Tom" )); // Finds Tom, Tommy, Tombola
Selects models where the value in $columnName ends with the value $endsWith. By default the search is case insensitive. For a case sensitive search you should pass true to $caseInsensitive.
new EndsWith($columnName, $endsWith, $caseInsensitive = false)
Select all models with a first name ending with 'a':
$contacts->filter(new StartsWith( "FirstName", "a" )); // Finds Angela, Rebecca, SuzannA
Selects models where the value in $columnName contains the value $contains. By default the search is case insensitive. For a case sensitive search you should pass true to $caseInsensitive.
new Contains($columnName, $contains, $caseInsensitive = false)
Select all models with a first name containing with 'bar':
$contacts->filter(new Contains( "FirstName", "bar" )); // Finds Barbara, Allobar, Turbary
Selects models where the value in $columnName is greater than value $greaterThan exclusive. To make it inclusive (greater than or equals) pass true to $inclusive.
new GreaterThan($columnName, $greaterThan, $inclusive = false)
Select all donation models where the amount is greater or equal to 500:
$donations->filter(new GreaterThan( "Amount", 500, true ));
Selects models where the value in $columnName is less than value $greaterThan exclusive. To make it inclusive (less than or equals) pass true to $inclusive.
new LessThan($columnName, $lessThan, $inclusive = false)
Select all donation models where the amount is less than or equal to 500:
$donations->filter(new LessThan( "Amount", 500, true ));
Selects models where the value in $columnName is between $min and $max inclusive.
new Between($columnName, $min, $max)
Select all donation models where the amount is between 10 and 1000:
$donations->filter(new Between( "Amount", 10, 1000));
Selects models where the value in $columnName is found a fixed list of possible values, $oneOf.
new OneOf($columnName, $oneOf)
Select all donation models where the amount is 10, 100 or 1000:
$donations->filter(new OneOf( "Amount", [10, 100, 1000]));