

StringTools is a static utility class for manipulating strings.

contains($haystack, $needle, $caseSensitive = true)
Faster than using preg_match, this will use strpos or stripos depending on the third argument
endsWith($haystack, $needle, $caseSensitive = true)
Faster than using preg_match, this will use strpos or stripos depending on the third argument
getCharsAfterMatch($string, $search, $firstOccurrence = false, $maxChars = null, $caseSensitive = true, $includeSearch = false, $returnIfNoMatch = false)
Returns all characters in $string after the first (or last, depending on $firstOccurrence switch) match of $search
Extracts and returns the namespace portion of a class name
Returns the last part of the fully namspaced class name.
implodeIgnoringBlanks($glue, $array, $itemCallback = null, $keysToInclude = null)
Implodes an array to a string with $glue but ignores blank or empty values. Optionally $itemCallback can specify a callback function to transform elements during the implosion.
Turns an array of strings into a comma separated list with the word " and " between the final two
Turn a singular English noun to its plural equivalent.
makePluralWithQuantity($singular, $quantity, $includeCount = false, $decimalPlaces = 0)
Return a plural form of a singluar English noun if $quantity is greater than 1. Optionally can prefix the plural word with the quantity itself.
Turn a plural English noun to its singular equivalent.
parseTemplateString($string, $data)
Parses a template string $string for placeholders enclosed in curly braces {} and replaces the placeholders with values from the $data associative array.


startsWith($haystack, $needle, $caseSensitive = true)
Faster than using preg_match, this will use strpos or stripos depending on the third argument
