
Model Selection Controls
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The model selection controls module provides some extended selection controls that use models and collections as their data source.


The ModelSearchControl extends SearchControl to provide a simple pattern for searching among large recordsets provided by a collection.

ModelSearchControl is abstract so to use it you need to extend the class:

class ContactSearchControl extends ModelSearchControl
    protected function createCollection($matchingPhrase = "")
        return ContactExample::find(
            new AnyWordsGroup(["firstname", "surname"], $matchingPhrase)

    protected function getResultColumns()
        return ["firstname", "surname"];

    protected function getDataColumns()
        return ["age"];

    protected function getLabelForModel(Model $model)
        return $model->firstname." ".$model->surname." (".$model->age.")";

    protected function convertValueToModel($value)
        try {
            return new ContactExample($value);
        } catch (RecordNotFoundException $er){

        return null;

The following methods should be overriden to get the desired behaviour:

Returns a collection of model items filtered for the given phrase. Take care to sort the collection in the order you want items presented.
An array of columns from the model to present in the result list. The results are presented in a table by default - this can be changed like any search control by overriding the view bridge
An array of additional columns to include from the model in the items passed back to the client. This allows the client to process data for the selected items without having to go back to the server to fetch it. You must be careful however not to pass secret or secure information in this way however.
Returns the label text to use for a given model. This label is displayed in place of the search item for a selected item. Default behaviour is to return the result of the model's getLabel() function.
When rendering a search control already bound to an existing value the search control must recreate the label and data for that item so it can be presented correctly and client javascript can interoperate with the item just as if it was newly selected. This function converts a simple id value back to an instance of your model. Normally this can be done by simply using your model constructor to find the model and return it - but be careful not to contravene any data boundaries in your application in case this is tampered with.


Try searching for "lin" or "John". Note that searching is slow in this example as each request is spawning 500 example models in real time.

Select a person to see how old they are - an example of using additional data columns.

This is an example of a search control already bound to an existing value.


namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\ModelSearchControl;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Exceptions\RecordNotFoundException;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Filters\AnyWordsGroup;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Models\Model;

class ContactSearchControl extends ModelSearchControl
    protected function createCollection($matchingPhrase = "")
        return ContactExample::find(
            new AnyWordsGroup(["firstname", "surname"], $matchingPhrase)

    protected function getResultColumns()
        return ["firstname", "surname"];

    protected function getDataColumns()
        return ["age"];

    protected function getLabelForModel(Model $model)
        return $model->firstname." ".$model->surname." (".$model->age.")";

    protected function convertValueToModel($value)
        try {
            return new ContactExample($value);
        } catch (RecordNotFoundException $er){

        return null;

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\LeafDeploymentPackage;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Views\View;

class ModelSearchControlExampleView extends View
    /** @var ModelSearchControlExampleModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    protected function createSubLeaves()

            new ContactSearchControl("contactID"),
            new ContactSearchControl("boundContactID")

    protected function printViewContent()
        <p>Try searching for "lin" or "John". Note that searching is slow in this example as each request is spawning
            500 example models in real time.</p>
        <p>Select a person to see how old they are - an example of using additional data columns.</p>
        print $this->leaves["contactID"];
        <p>This is an example of a search control already bound to an existing value.</p>
        print $this->leaves["boundContactID"];

    protected function getViewBridgeName()
        return "ModelSearchControlExampleViewBridge";

    public function getDeploymentPackage()
        return new LeafDeploymentPackage(
rhubarb.vb.create('ModelSearchControlExampleViewBridge', function(){
   return {
       attachEvents: function(){
               var item = control.getSelectedItem();

               alert( + ' is ' + + ' years old!');
div.results.drop-down {
    border: 1px solid #666;

div.results table td {
    padding: 3px;

div.results table tr {
    border-width: 1px 0;

div.results table {
    background: lightblue;
    border-width: 1px 0;
    border-style: dashed;
    border-color: #999;

div.results table tr:hover {
    background: cornflowerblue;


Often you need to afford the user an opportunity to create a record if one cannot be found in the available list. This control extends the basic ModelSearchControl with a pattern that makes this straightforward.

Many different interfaces to capture the record details can be imagined - a modal dialog, an in-line panel etc. The key is that you express your 'adding' interface through a dedicated leaf. This leaf needs to be passed to the constructor of ModelSearchOrAddControl:

class ContactSelection extends ModelSearchOrAddControl
    public function __construct($name = null)
        // AddContact is the Leaf that can render a UI for adding a contact, and add the contact.
        parent::__construct($name, new AddContact());

The adding Leaf must be able to raise a client event ItemAdded when the deed is done. It must pass an argument to this event containing a selection item - just like any other selection item used in selection controls. The structure of a selection item looks like this:

    "value": 1,
    "label": "John",
    "data": {
        "firstname": "John",
        "surname": "Smith"

The ModelSearchOrAddControl will be listening for the ItemAdded event and will take this data structure and make this the 'selected' item.

rhubarb.vb.create('AddContactViewBridge', function() {
    return {
        attachEvents:function() {
            this.viewNode.querySelector('.js-add').addEventListener('click', function(event){    
                this.raiseServerEvent("addContact", function(contactId){
                    // Raise the event to let the search control know we've successfully added a new record.
                    // In this example we define our own item structure to give to the search control using the
                    // values extracted from our sub controls. This works ok for simple scenarios however
                    // it's easy for the PHP and client side versions of this to get out of sync leading
                    // to hard to spot bugs.
                    this.raiseClientEvent("ItemAdded", {
                        value: contactId,
                        label: this.findChildViewBridge('firstname').getValue() + ' ' + this.findChildViewBridge('surname').getValue(),
                        data: {
                            firstname: this.findChildViewBridge('firstname').getValue(),
                            surname: this.findChildViewBridge('surname').getValue(),
                            age: this.findChildViewBridge('age').getValue()

Once 'selected' the user will expect that the interface looks the same as if they'd just searched for and selected the item. Rather than trying to match the item structure in your add Leaf with that created by the search control it can be worth a little extra plumbing to get your search control Leaf to express the item structure for you. To do this make sure your add Leaf implements the AddingModelLeafInterface. This forces you to implement the getItemAddedEvent in your add Leaf.

The ModelSearchOrAddControl looks for this interface and if present can attach a handler to the item added event. This event should be passed a Model and receive an item structure by return.

class AddContact extends Leaf implements AddingModelLeafInterface
    private $itemAddedEvent;

    public function __construct(string $name = null)
        $this->itemAddedEvent = new Event();


    public function getItemAddedEvent(): Event
        // Satisfy the interface...
        return $this->itemAddedEvent;

    protected function onModelCreated()

           $contact = new ContactExample();
           $contact->firstname = $this->model->firstname;
           $contact->surname = $this->model->surname;
           $contact->age = $this->model->age;

           // Raise the event to let the model search control create the item structure for you.
           // Pass it the model and return it's response.
           return $this->itemAddedEvent->raise($contact);

The view bridge of your add Leaf needs to pass this value on:

rhubarb.vb.create('AddContactViewBridge', function() {
    return {
        attachEvents:function() {
            this.viewNode.querySelector('.js-add').addEventListener('click', function(event){    
                this.raiseServerEvent("addContact", function(item){
                    // Raise the event to let the search control know we've successfully added a new record.
                    // In this example `item` is returned by the PHP as outlined in the code sample above.
                    this.raiseClientEvent("ItemAdded", item);    

To allow users to back out of adding a new item you should raise the CancelAdd client event:

rhubarb.vb.create('AddContactViewBridge', function() {
    return {
        attachEvents:function() {
            this.viewNode.querySelector('.js-cancel-add').addEventListener('click', function(event){
                // The `CancelAdd` event restores the UI to the way it should be.
                return false;



namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Crown\Events\Event;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\Leaf;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\AddingModelLeafInterface;

class AddContact extends Leaf implements AddingModelLeafInterface
    private $itemAddedEvent;

    public function __construct(string $name = null)
        $this->itemAddedEvent = new Event();


    /** @var AddContactModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    protected function getViewClass()
        return AddContactView::class;

    protected function createModel()
        return new AddContactModel();

    protected function onModelCreated()

           $contact = new ContactExample();
           $contact->firstname = $this->model->firstname;
           $contact->surname = $this->model->surname;
           $contact->age = $this->model->age;

           return $this->itemAddedEvent->raise($contact);

    public function getItemAddedEvent(): Event
        return $this->itemAddedEvent;

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Buttons\Button;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Text\NumericTextBox;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Text\NumericTextBoxView;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Text\TextBox;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Views\View;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\LeafDeploymentPackage;

class AddContactView extends View
    /** @var AddContactModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    protected function createSubLeaves()
            new TextBox("firstname"),
            new TextBox("surname"),
            new NumericTextBox("age",0),
            new Button("AddContact", "Add Contact", function(){
                $contact = $this->model->addContactEvent->raise();

                return $contact;
            }, true)    // true is important here - it must be an XHR event of some sort.

    protected function printViewContent()
                "" => "{AddContact} <button class='js-cancel-add'>Cancel</button>"

    public function getDeploymentPackage()
        return new LeafDeploymentPackage(__DIR__ . '/AddContactViewBridge.js');

    protected function getViewBridgeName()
        return 'AddContactViewBridge';
rhubarb.vb.create('AddContactViewBridge', function() {
    return {
        attachEvents:function() {
            this.findChildViewBridge("AddContact").attachClientEventHandler("ButtonPressCompleted", function(item){
                // Raise the event to let the search control know we've successfully added a new record. `item`
                // has been returned by the PHP event handler in AddContactView.php - it is a selection item
                // ready for the search control to 'select'
                this.raiseClientEvent("ItemAdded", item);

            this.viewNode.querySelector('.js-cancel-add').addEventListener('click', function(event){
                // The `CancelAdd` event restores the UI to the way it should be.
                return false;

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\ModelSearchOrAddControl;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Exceptions\RecordNotFoundException;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Filters\AnyWordsGroup;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Models\Model;

class ContactSearchWithAddControl extends ModelSearchOrAddControl
    public function __construct($name = null)
        parent::__construct($name, new AddContact());

    protected function createCollection($matchingPhrase = "")
        return ContactExample::find(
            new AnyWordsGroup(["firstname", "surname"], $matchingPhrase)

    protected function getResultColumns()
        return ["firstname", "surname"];

    protected function getDataColumns()
        return ["age"];

    protected function getLabelForModel(Model $model)
        return $model->firstname." ".$model->surname." (".$model->age.")";

    protected function convertValueToModel($value)
        try {
            return new ContactExample($value);
        } catch (RecordNotFoundException $er){

        return null;

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\Views\View;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\LeafDeploymentPackage;

class ModelSearchOrAddControlExampleView extends View
    /** @var ModelSearchOrAddControlExampleModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    protected function createSubLeaves()

            new ContactSearchWithAddControl("contactID")

    protected function printViewContent()
        print $this->leaves["contactID"];

In-Situ style adding

For very small record types (for example single text boxes like a category) some interfaces call for a pattern where when the user hit's add the search is replaced with the adding interface, but unlike the example above there is no add or cancel button. Instead when the user 'saves' the overall page, the page will do the smart thing - use the selected value if present OR create a new item using the controls in the adding interface.

In our example above we could easily have left out the "Add Contact" and "Cancel" buttons to get the desired appearance. However because our add interface is nested 'inside' the search control, the data will be bound to a Leaf model not accessible to the page.

To side step this the recommended pattern is to pass the page's model (or a single property of it) by reference to the add Leaf and change the binding source on the add Leaf to be this property. This way any data posted back by the add interface will be placed onto the page's own model and the page can then be responsible for creating the new record.


namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Crown\Events\Event;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\Leaf;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\AddingModelLeafInterface;

class AddContactInSitu extends Leaf
    private $bindingSource;

    public function __construct($bindingSource)
        $this->bindingSource = $bindingSource;


    /** @var AddContactModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    protected function getViewClass()
        return AddContactInSituView::class;

    protected function createModel()
        return new AddContactInSituModel($this->bindingSource);

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Crown\Events\Event;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\LeafModel;

class AddContactInSituModel extends LeafModel
    public function __construct($bindingSource)

        $this->bindingSource = $bindingSource;

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Buttons\Button;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Text\NumericTextBox;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Text\NumericTextBoxView;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Text\TextBox;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Views\View;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\LeafDeploymentPackage;

class AddContactInSituView extends View
    /** @var AddContactModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    protected function createSubLeaves()
            new TextBox("firstname"),
            new TextBox("surname"),
            new NumericTextBox("age",0)

    protected function printViewContent()

    public function getDeploymentPackage()
        return new LeafDeploymentPackage(__DIR__ . '/AddContactInSituViewBridge.js');

    protected function getViewBridgeName()
        return 'AddContactInSituViewBridge';

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\ModelSearchOrAddControl;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Exceptions\RecordNotFoundException;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Filters\AnyWordsGroup;
use Rhubarb\Stem\Models\Model;

class ContactSearchWithAddInSituControl extends ModelSearchOrAddControl
    public function __construct($name = null, $bindingSource)
        parent::__construct($name, new AddContactInSitu($bindingSource));

    protected function createCollection($matchingPhrase = "")
        return ContactExample::find(
            new AnyWordsGroup(["firstname", "surname"], $matchingPhrase)

    protected function getResultColumns()
        return ["firstname", "surname"];

    protected function getDataColumns()
        return ["age"];

    protected function getLabelForModel(Model $model)
        return $model->firstname." ".$model->surname." (".$model->age.")";

    protected function convertValueToModel($value)
        try {
            return new ContactExample($value);
        } catch (RecordNotFoundException $er){

        return null;

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\Leaves\LeafModel;

class ModelSearchOrAddInSituExampleModel extends LeafModel
    public $addContact;

    public function __construct()
        $this->addContact = new \stdClass();

namespace Rhubarb\Leaf\ModelSelectionControls\Examples;

use Rhubarb\Leaf\Controls\Common\Buttons\Button;
use Rhubarb\Leaf\Views\View;

class ModelSearchOrAddInSituExampleView extends View
    /** @var ModelSearchOrAddInSituExampleModel $model **/
    protected $model;

    private $output = "";

    protected function createSubLeaves()

            new ContactSearchWithAddInSituControl("contactID", $this->model->addContact),
            new Button("Continue", "Continue", function(){
                // This is not good practice - just a shortcut to demonstrate the behaviour.
                if ($this->model->contactID){
                    $this->output = "<p>You selected contact ".$this->model->contactID."</p>";
                } elseif ($this->model->addContact->firstname) {
                    $this->output = "<p>You're adding ".$this->model->addContact->firstname." ".
                } else {
                    $this->output = "<p>You must select or add a contact</p>";

    protected function printViewContent()
        if ($this->output){
            print $this->output;
        } else {
            print $this->leaves["contactID"];
            print $this->leaves["Continue"];