

The Pager component and its variants allow you to present a set of page numbers and register to handle an event raised when the user selects a page number.

Pager is currently designed to work with Stem Collections


Pass the Pager a collection and when printed it will print the list of pages and allow to handle the pageChangedEvent:

class MyPageView extends View
    private $pager;

    protected function createSubLeaves()
            $this->pager = new Pager($this->model->jobs, 25)    // 25 jobs 'per page'

    protected function printViewContent()
        print $this->pager;

        // This will only print 25 jobs as the collection has now been 'ranged' by the pager.
        foreach($this->model->jobs as $job){
            print $job->JobTitle."<br/>";

Notice that in the example above we aren't actually handling the pageChangedEvent. While this event is raised, the Pager will automatically restrict the collection it is given to the correct range based on it's selected page number.

The event can be used to signal some other update on the page:

class MyPageView extends View
    private $pager;

    protected function createSubLeaves()
            $this->pager = new Pager($this->model->jobs, 25)    // 25 jobs 'per page'

            // Yes.. this should be in the Leaf class - putting here for brevity
            $this->model->onDifferentPage = true;

    protected function printViewContent()
        if ($this->model->onDifferentPage){
            print '<h3>You changed the page!</h3>';

        print $this->pager;

        // This will only print 25 jobs as the collection has now been 'ranged' by the pager.
        foreach($this->model->jobs as $job){
            print $job->JobTitle."<br/>";

If the collection only contains 1 page of items the pager will not appear at all.

When the user clicks on a page, a normal GET navigation occurs to the same URL but with a query string that identifies the page number for the correct pager.

Controlling the view

The standard output can be controlled by extending the PagerView and modifying a number of properties:

The number of pages around the boundaries to show before hiding page links in favour of an ellipsis
The CSS class attached to every page link
The CSS class attached to the first page link
The CSS class attached to the link for the currently rendered page
The CSS class attached to the elipsis container
The CSS class attached to the surrounding container
The CSS class attached to the inner container

For more radical control you can simply override the printViewContent().

To replace all occurrences of the view register the new class using dependency injection. For a single occurrence you might consider extending the Pager leaf itself to allow you to select the new view.


This extension of the Pager component changes the behaviour to put the selected page number into a hidden input and submit the form when a user selects a page. This ensures the page is posted thus retaining the state of all Leaves on the page.

This is most often used when the pager is present in a place where users may have entered data that can't be lost if the user changes page.


This extension of the Pager component changes the behaviour to raise the page changed event as an XHR server event instead of navigating with a GET operation.

This is mostly used in conjunction with re-rendering other components for a more application like feel.