
Search Panels

A search panel is a group of controls in conjunction with a Search button that raises an event to say when the user has changed the search criteria.

This can be used to re-filter and re-render other elements on the page. It is most commonly combined with a Table component.

Creating the control set

Unlike some Application components SearchPanel can't be configured it must be extended. Once extended you can override the createSearchControls() function and return an array of the Leaf control objects you want to render in the UI. The names of the controls are important as the values of the search criteria will be keyed using these names.

class JobsSearchPanel extends SearchPanel
    protected function createSearchControls()
        $status = new DropDown("Status");
            ["", "Any Status"],

        return [
            new Checkbox("Sent")

This example creates a DropDown and a Checkbox.

Handling the searchedEvent directly

The searchedEvent is raised when the values of the search controls change. It is possible to handle this event manually:

class MyPageView extends View
    protected function createSubLeaves()
            $this->search = new JobSearchPanel(),         

            $searchCriteria = $this->search->getSearchControlValues();

            // Do something exciting with the search criteria.
            // ...

    protected function printViewContent()
        print $this->search;

getSearchControlValues() returns an array of key value pairs with each control's current value.

This event is normally handled by other Application components designed to inter-operate with it, for example the Table.

Inter-operating with other Application Components

SearchPanels include a pattern for filtering Stem Collections. To use the SearchPanel with other application components you will need to override the populateFilterGroup() function.

This is passed an empty Group filter which you should populate by calling addFilter():

class JobsSearchPanel extends SearchPanel
    protected function createSearchControls()
        $status = new DropDown("Status");
            ["", "Any Status"],

        return [
            new Checkbox("OnlySentItems")

    public function populateFilterGroup(Group $group)
        $values = $this->getSearchControlValues();

        if ($values["Status"] != ""){
            $group->addFilter(new Equals("Status", $values["Status"]));

        if ($values["OnlySentItems"]){
            $group->addFilter(new Equals("Sent", true));

This is the most common way for using a Search Panel

Customising the view

Many customisations are achievable by simplying configuring the controls:

class JobsSearchPanel extends SearchPanel
    protected function createSearchControls()
        $status = new DropDown("Status");
            ["", "Any Status"],

        $sent = new Checkbox("OnlySentItems");

        $sent->setLabel("Show sent items only");

        return [

For more control simply create your own extended SearchPanelView and register it with the DI container or set your individual SearchPanel to use it.

Auto submit/As-you-type searching

A common feature is making the search panel submit a search as the changes the search criteria without requiring them to click "Search". This also enables "as-you-type" searching in text controls.

To enable this simply set the $autoSubmit value in the model to true:

class JobsSearchPanel extends SearchPanel
    protected function onModelCreated()
        $this->model->autoSubmit = true;


When a search control value is changed a timer is started after which the search is preformed. The timer is a very short interval but if other changes are made the timer is restarted to avoid 'flicker' in a result set.

You should make every effort to ensure there is good visual feedback of when the panel is and is not searching.