
Application Components

An Application Leaf is a building block for building common user interface elements in a web based application.

They are designed to inter-operate with each other in a loosely coupled way, augmenting each other by detecting and handling events as appropriate.

For example a Table component will display a paged list of records, but by connecting it with a SearchPanel component that list can now be filtered by user inputs. Connect the SearchPanel component to a SearchPanelTabs component and now the search values can be changed by selecting tabs.

Binding events

Application components are bound together in the hosting View by calling bindEventsWith() on one component while passing the other. bindEventsWith() is symmetrical in that it doesn't matter which way around you call it: $a->bindEventsWith($b) is the same as $b->bindEventsWith($a).

Internally bindEventsWith() calls a protected method bindEvents() on each Leaf, passing the other as the argument.

bindEvents() will then discover if they can interoperate with the Leaf being bound and if so attach event handlers to do so.

Note that bindEvents() should not use instanceof to determine the type of object being passed. Each application component exists in it's own composer project and can't assume the project has access to those other classes. Instead look for the signature of certain public properties or methods existing - usually public event variables.